Monday, January 2, 2012


Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I didn't live in Juneau. If I had moved away when I had the chance, left this hell hole forever.
I would be tan. My hair would be lighter. I'd be some queen evil at some random high school. I'd know how to swim. I wouldn't be afraid of ticks. I wouldn't have the friends I do now. I'd be louder, more emotional, and more stuck-up.
None of that sounds terrible, until I think of all the things I'd lose if I didn't live here. My best friends, the support and craziness that comes with them wouldn't be there. I'd lose the love of my life. I wouldn't be me. I'd have become much more shallow. I wouldn't care about my family. I wouldn't be as unique as I am now.
As much as I absolutely despise Juneau, I wouldn't change a thing about growing up here. It helped make me who I am now. It gave me experiences that broke me and built me up, and it gave me the crazy to get myself through them.